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Writer's pictureJenny Vu

Common Medical Issues That Can Prevent Weight Loss in Women

Losing weight can be challenging for many reasons. For some women, medical conditions make achieving weight loss extremely difficult, despite consistent diet and exercise efforts. If you feel your body refuses to budge the scales downward - despite doing all the “right” things for fat loss - an underlying issue might be sabotaging your progress. 

Read on for common medical circumstances and diseases that frequently prevent weight loss in female patients, especially those over 40.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS involves a hormonal imbalance making weight loss harder, irregular menstrual cycles, skin problems, fertility issues, fatigue, mood changes, and abnormal hair growth. The exact causes remain unclear – genetics likely play a role while lifestyle habits also influence the severity for sufferers. Symptoms often begin around puberty starting as early as age 11. 

See your healthcare provider for proper testing and diagnosis. They create tailored weight loss recommendations involving medication, nutrition plans promoting steady glucose levels, stress reduction techniques, targeted supplements. Most patients require ongoing diligent management.


When the thyroid cannot produce adequate hormones, it slows metabolism making even mild weight loss seem impossible. Constant exhaustion, feeling cold, hair thinning, skin drying, mood changes, and many more issues can result too – significantly impacting wellbeing and complicating weight management.

Doctors diagnose hypothyroidism from blood tests and clinical evaluations before prescribing thyroid hormone replacement medication to alleviate symptoms. Maintaining proper thyroid levels paired with lifestyle interventions promotes easier weight loss.

Cushing’s Syndrome

Characterized by a round “moon” face, excessive fat around the neck and back, wide purple stretch marks, bone fragility, anxiety, fatigue, and more – Cushing’s syndrome stems from extended cortisol overproduction. This stress hormone influences fat storage and metabolism. Getting levels under control is critical for not only improved weight loss but also reducing related health dangers like diabetes and high blood pressure.

In some cases, benign tumors trigger excess cortisol. Surgery removes the tumor while medication controls hormone levels afterward. Exact treatment plans depend on the underlying cause.


The natural decline of estrogen during menopause slows metabolic rate by around 5% every decade making weight creep on easily. Hot flashes, emotional changes, sleep disruptions, joint pain, and vaginal dryness frequently happen too.

While menopause itself has no “cure”, women find relief through hormone therapy supplements if appropriate, lifestyle measures like nutritious anti-inflammatory diets and frequent movement, and alternative therapies such as mind-body practices.

If you feel your body refuses to lose weight no matter what you try, talk to your healthcare provider about whether any untreated medical issues could be the culprit! Identifying and properly managing contributing diseases or hormonal shifts is necessary for improved wellbeing and easier weight optimization. Contact Phoenix NP today for compassionate care.

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